Face lift non invasive

Face lift non invasive is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation computerized device that builds new tissue, lifts sagging muscles purifies and detoxifies until your skin glows with health. Face lift non invasive Technology utilizes complexpatented waveforms and adjustable voltage to deliver a high definition signal designed to achieve resonance with cellular biological processes. The nano signal owes its clarity and accuracy to its microscopic size that minimizes resistance or biological noise.

Facelift FremontCells communicate through a number of chemical and electrical processes. The end result of a chemical and/or electrical process can be seen as a communication signal. The translation of this intricate biological language promises to identify hidden solutions for various physiological events, including aging. Artificially resonating the cellular language unlocks a number of biological processes such as increasing collagen, elastin, cell proliferation, regenerating new tissue and increasing blood circulation.

Face lift non invasive is a computerized devise for skin rejuvenation, lifting facial muscles, acne, melasma, scars and rosacea. The technology is based on extensive international research at Yale, London, and Oxford Universities. (patented wave form)

"For nearly a century, researchers have strained to hear the whispering conversation of cells, hoping to master the basics of their language. In place of words, cells use chemicals, linking molecule to molecule to construct sentences that obey formal rules of grammar and syntax as those that govern our own spoken language."
--Debra Niehoff, Ph.D, Neurobiologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Perfect Microcurrent nano-science introduces proprietary waveforms at the nano-ampere range that resonate with the intricate language of cellular, bio-electrical impulses to regenerate tissue, balance and sculpt the face.

"Improved technology will reveal a whole microcosmos of electrical signals in a multitude of electrically and chemically excitable cell types."
--Edwin Neher, MD, Nobel Prize Winner (Nobel Lecture, 1991)

Face lift non invasive is a Versatile System with Nine Programs


  • Increases blood circulation
  • Research shows an increased number of tiny blood vessels
  • Stimulates physical exchanges in cells and ATP production


  • Clinical research shows significant wrinkle reduction
  • Research indicates a significant increase in the secretion of collagen and elastin
  • Research has shown ATP energy boost that powers skin renewal and repair


  • Clinical research shows significant face lift
  • Research has shown ATP energy boost resulting in skin renewal and repair


  • Enhances inter-muscular connectivity to sculpt facial features
  • Balances skin PH and promotes health of overall skin environment


  • Clinical reports of reducing sun damage
  • Clinical reports of reducing pigmentation
  • Research indicates healing of rosacea
  • Reduces inflammation and edema
  • Shrinks large pores


  • Increases skin freshness
  • Increases skin glow

Deep Cleansing:

  • Purifies and clarifies skin
  • Battles bacteria that cause acne


  • Electromagnetic detoxification and elimination of metabolic waste
  • Reinforces lymphatic drainage
  • Reduces dark circles and puffiness


  • Intensifies absorption of skin nourishing preparations

Before and Afters

Face lift non invasive Media Testimonials

It's not only plastic surgeons creating the youthful appearance of celebrities as they walk down red carpets and runways. Many top models and A-list celebrities are now using the Face lift non invasive, a safe, non-invasive alternative. In fact, many have purchased the Nano Perfect and have found it superior to Botox and Laser treatments.

See what the international media are saying:

"Face lift non invasive is the Star Wars of non-surgical procedures."
-- Cosmopolitan

"I went to New York City's Institute of Beauty to try the Face lift non invasive, which promised to tone skin, smooth wrinkles and leave the skin more luminous. That night my fine lines were gone, and my sunspots have also faded."
--Marie Claire

"It felt wonderful," said Lyon, a seasonal Clearwater resident who has undergone two treatments "My skin had a real glow." "
-- Sunday Times

"I have investigated non-surgical face-lifting treatments over the past five years, and the best treatment I have found is the Face lift non invasive."
--Ambika Wauters, Ph.D

"While there are many machines available, we prefer to use the Face lift non invasive, which has the best tailored programs for all skin types."
--Everett Lautin, MD.